Channel: Dartigan
Category: Gaming
Tags: dartiganmoviefunny momentsexplainedgod of wartrailercleopatracombat systemgaming sinsgod of war clonedante's infernoreviewdante's inferno 2easequeleverything wrong with dante's infernocgthe divine comedygaming winsbeatricecombovisceral gamesanimationendingspeed runaction gamedante's purgatorycirclegame sinscinema sins
Description: Dante's Inferno is an okayish God of War clone, that released right as people were getting so burnt out on God of War style action games that God of War would even remake itself. I had to spend a lot of time censoring video game breasts for this video. That alone makes me glad it didn't get a sequel. Here are it's sins. Please Enjoy Everything Wrong With Dante's Inferno! Join my Discord fan community: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Twitter: Like if you did. Subscribe for more. Vote for the next game. Intro animation created by Runestorm: Inspired by Cinema Sins: #dartigan #gamesins #dantesinferno